Our patrons – sponsors

The René Magritte Museum & Museum of Abstract Art wishes to thank:

Our partner institutions


Our promotional partners

Our patrons-sponsors

Karsten De Clerck, Tony Mary, Filip Moeykens, Christophe Plumier, Eddy Van Gelder


Our sponsors and generous donors


Art Deco Society, Etienne Boumans, Dimitri Buytaert, Roland Damsin, Alexander Debreucker, Michel De Rouck, Jean Philip De Tender, Bas Dorren, Nicole et Guy Buytaert-Garitte, Sven Gatz, Isabelle Gerard, René Jeanmart, Immayer SA , K-Bridge, Frédéric Lambeau, Thomas Leysen, Maurice Meyer, Harold Nyssens, Chantal Noé, Indirah Osumba, Geert Robberechts, Emmanuel Roger France, Guy Vandebon, Michel Van der Eecken, Freddy van den Spiegel, Michèle Vandroogenbroeck, Johny Van Steen, VOKA, Léon Wuidar.

If you wish to sponsor the museum, you can send a gift to the project account of the Fondation Roi Baudouin:

Account number BE 10 0000 0000 0404

Communication: ***128/2450/00002***

The gifts are deductible.

A big thank you! We’re looking forward to welcoming you at the museum.

The Magritte Team